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Showing posts from February, 2010

Being Good Is Good For You

Whether you donate money or time, giving back is beneficial--and not just for the recipients. Research has shown that the old adage, “it’s better to give than to receive” is true after all. A Gallup survey on volunteering in the U.S.A. found that 52% of volunteers do it because they like doing something useful and helping others. Another 38% said they enjoy doing volunteer work and feeling good about themselves. Besides feeling good about yourself for doing something for others, giving back is also good for your physical health. In a Canadian study, 85% of Ontario volunteers rated their health as "good," compared to 79% of non-volunteers. Only 2% of volunteers reported "poor" health, one-third the amount of non-volunteers who reported the same health status. Here are 7 Reasons to Volunteer: 1. Develop new skills 2. Make social connections 3. Give back to your community 4. Develop and grow as a person 5. Gain a new perspective 6. Know that you're ne

Honor the Hounds of War

I happen to love dogs. They are such great companions to humans. In the training and humane literature I have read and expanded to the history of canines as companions one theme has shown itself prominently. We may not be where we are as a society without dogs. In our early stages they have guarded us, helped us hunt. Now they do that in addition to finding drugs, explosives, trapped or lost people, bodies, not to mention being aids to warn of seizures, smell cancer that machines can't find, comfort the sick, and help those with limited physical functions. One of these ways dogs have helped us is in war. Thousands or more lives have been saved by the services dogs provide to armed forces, mostly as bomb sniffers. Congressional legislation was signed into law giving JBMF, Inc ., the John Burnam Monument Foundation, the authority to build and maintain the historic national monument to honor the United States Armed Forces Working Dog Teams. Please support them as we need to honor what