Today is
International Women's Day, and it marks the 100th anniversary of the observation.

Beyond just being a good person, one of the main things that makes a true gentleman is showing appreciation and respect for women, so this is a perfect day to do just that. Start with the women in your life - your wife, your mother, your sisters and other relatives - but don't stop there. Take this day to get back in the practice of doing those gentlemanly things for any woman that crosses your path like holding the door for them, carrying something for them, letting them queue ahead of you. Whether they seem like they want it or not, trust me they will appreciate it.
As for me, I want to acknowledge that I would not be the person I am without the influence of my mother Mary who always supported me and let me be 'me' and instilled in me my sense of community and service, my sister Ann who helped me along my career path more than most siblings ever would, and of course my wife Robin who continues to be my best friend, partner, and biggest cheerleader.
Now get out there and let them know 'they can do it'!
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