Even though you may not be able to avoid the first number, you can avoid being part of the second if it is detected early. Get checked. We all know men are notoriously bad at taking care of themselves, so sometimes an incentive can help kick us into action. This coming Monday men are given just that opportunity - to be spurred into action to get themselves checked out - in this case for prostate cancer. After the Brewers hopefully hand it to the Yankees this weekend, the Miller Park parking lot will be home to something quite different than tailgating. On Monday, May 12, fans of the Brewers and staying healthy can head on down to the lot where two mobile clinic vehicles will be there to perform prostate cancer screenings for free. Not only is it free, and you don't need an appointment, but you have the chance to get 2 free Brewers tickets. The event, presented by Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Health Network, Fox 6, the Milwaukee Brewers, ZERO-Prostate Cance...